Family BSN
The bi-lingual (Spanish/English) Family Bible School for the Nations (FBSN) is a 16-week chronological study from Creation to Revelation with an 8-week teaching outreach to disciple believers in remote areas. The vision of the FBSN is to train entire families who can accurately handle the Word of God and communicate truth together in a relevant way.
The school-aged children learn similar topics in the FBSN Foundation School as their parents do in their class sessions. The children also participate in their own times of intercession and worship and gain an understanding of their role in the family and in the Great Commission, all the while learning to hear and obey God’s voice. The goal is to equip the whole family for ministry and to help each family member grow closer to God through learning the Bible in the classroom and practicing their skills on outreach. At various times throughout the week, the families have the opportunity to study together, have family time, and engage in interactive Bible teaching and learning.
The purpose of the Family BSN is to equip YWAM families who are seeking to know the truths of the Bible that transform individuals and nations (all spheres of society), and to enable them to effectively communicate these ideas to others, especially those from an oral culture background. The Family BSN gives the necessary tools for students to build a biblical foundation for life and ministry. It seeks to cultivate in the students a deeper love for God and for truth, and to build confidence in God’s loving character in how He brings about His purposes in Biblical and modern history. We interactively teach with Bible storying, dramas, posters, maps, and timelines. Most of class is discussion-based rather than lectures. We’ve found the inductive Bible study method and honest questions are the escort to the deeper things of God and his Kingdom.
Lecture Phase: October 17, 2024 - February 21, 2025